Palats | Reuse Blog

Palats product update May

Written by Adam Andreasson | Jun 1, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Now summer is here for real, and once again I have the honor of summarizing what has happened on the Palats platform over the past month.

Improved condition of articles

As more articles circulate on internal marketplaces, we see a growing need for a unified system for buyers to quickly assess the condition of items before placing an order. Together with you users, we have developed a clearer and simpler system for assessing condition. Now you can clearly see what each condition means and easily select it with one click. Of course, you can add a comment and a picture for extra clarity.

Set goals in a report

It is now possible to switch the chart in an activity report to show accumulated values over the selected period, so you can easily see the progress of your reuse over time. In this view, you can also set a goal for the period.

Create multiple listings with one click

Now it’s even easier to reuse on a large scale on your marketplace! You can now mark several different articles in one location and create multiple listings at once. The only thing you need to fill in is the price, if you use pricing on your marketplace.

Create transactions between companies

A recurring problem when larger organizations try to start reusing is that it becomes complicated to account for the transfer of items between different units. If the property where a project is run is owned by a different company than the one running the reuse hub, it is necessary to account for transfers both to and from the hub. Now it is possible to manually create a transaction in Palats and directly get the necessary documentation for accounting.

Do you want to know more about how our internal marketplace for reusing building materials and furniture works? Book a free demo with us and we will show you.