Palats | Reuse Blog

Palats product update July

Written by Adam Andreasson | Aug 1, 2024 7:21:06 AM

Development at Palats continues even during the summer. When you return from your vacation, you will be greeted by a refreshed marketplace and improved access control.

New Look for the Marketplace

Palats aims to make reuse as attractive as purchasing new items. A key component of this is being able to find exactly what you need in the marketplace, which should be at least as easy to navigate as a regular e-commerce site.

Now, it's easier than ever to find what you're looking for. We have simplified and clarified the appearance of listings and added the option to display them in a list format instead of a grid. The search bar has been moved to the top of the page, making it always easy to start a new search. We have also relocated and simplified the categories, which can now always be found on the left side.

A new addition is the ability to filter and sort listings. For example, you can now choose to only see listings with items that are available today. You can also filter by address and advertiser.

More ways to filter, search, and monitor listings are coming soon, so stay tuned!

Clearer Assignment of Permissions

To move from a pilot project to large-scale reuse, it is important to delegate responsibilities and tasks in reuse. Your permissions in Palats should therefore reflect the roles you have in the workplace. That’s why we are now making it much easier to assign permissions to members based on your organization’s needs.

Now, you can control in detail who can see listings in a particular distribution channel, who administers the channel, and who has access to invite people to a specific project. Those of you who have connected Palats to your intranet via SSO can pre-set what different people should have permissions for before they log in to Palats.

The new permission system will initially be tested with selected customers with large organizational trees to ensure all needs are covered, with a rollout to all organizations during the fall.

Haven’t tried Palats yet? Feel free to contact us, and we’ll show you how easy it is to get started with reuse for real!